Welcome to
Market Trading
the new look newsletter for
2011 from Traders
Trading & Kenny's
Elliott Waves Blog.
The launch of our new forums a couple of weeks ago has been a great
success so a big thank you to all those that have already registered,
and a special thanks to all those that have got involved and joined in
the conversation so far.
As a result of the popularity of the forums, I have decided to offer my
weekly newsletter analysis again as an optional extra. My weekly
analysis and trading plan will in future be published in a ‘members
only’ forum within the main forums. For access to this, there will be a
nominal annual membership fee which will serve to cover my costs and
ensure that it is sustainable for me to provide my analysis and develop
the format further in the long term.
The forums, main website and Kennys Elliott Waves Blog are free, and
will always remain free and by applying a nominal membership fee for
this additional feature, it will enable me to provide the more in-depth
analysis on a sustainable basis, develop the format further, and
introduce additional features in the future (Such as covering
additional key markets and giving updates).
This private forum will only be for my weekly analysis/updates posts,
all market discussions will remain in the main forum threads.
Ideally, I would love to be able to provide the analysis daily and
possibly give updates intraweek but these features would be further
down the line however, as always, the speed of future development of the format
will be entirely dependent on the rate of increase in the level of
interest in it as it goes forward.
As you will already know, tradersdaytrading.com is a hobby for me, so
membership of the Insider Trading Forum will always be at a very
nominal cost, and as a thank you for your continuing support I am
offering you annual membership for just £85 ($139) ....yes, that is an
ANNUAL fee, which I believe gives unmatched value for money and is what
Tradersdaytrading.com is all about.
Basically, for less than the cost of buying me a beer, you can have
access to my more detailed weekly analysis and trading plans, you will
also enjoy the enhanced site features associated with the membership
This initial level of membership fee is guaranteed until I start
publishing the analysis in a couple weeks or so, but it may be
increased slightly for future subscribers.
Please ensure you benefit from this and become an ‘Insider Trader’
member today. In order to upgrade your membership to gain access to the
‘Insider Trading Forum’ please visit your user ‘Settings’ page via the
link at the very top right on the forum pages, then click on the ‘Paid
Subscriptions’ link in the ‘My Account’ section. This will take you to
the screen where you can upgrade your membership.
Thank you once again for your continuing support.
Best Regards
Share It
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new social media buttons on every page. Please do
me a big
favor and share my site whenever the opportunity arises.
not start here..Got a twitter
account? Retweet the Traders
Day Trading Site today.... Digg
it....Share on Facebook.... mail it to a couple
of friends....however
you want to do it, it will
all help.
Good Luck and Thank You for subscribing to Stock
Market Trading, please do me a big favor an send it to a
friend who may find it useful.
Wave Principle
*** Free Online Edition ***
Prechter has just released a complimentary online edition of Elliott
Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior. All 248-pages of this classic
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Principle will teach you the 13 waves that can occur in the charts of
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