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Technical Analysis
Wave Theory
site Kenny.
Analysis written in a straightforward way so that everyone understands.
only a small few who get it consistantly correct and you are certainly
that group.
for putting this all together and sharing! BHW
Stuff! Kenny has shown time and time again the ability to show us direction in
these markets. Khalsa
Kenny, I appreciate your insight and analysis. You make sense of what I can rarely see.
Thanks for sharing. Gene
Took a gold short at 1240
just closed at 1203 :-)))))))))))))))))) ........ top call!! Gekko |
Wave Trading Resources
Interesting Articles from Elliott Wave
Elliott Wave International
Wave International (EWI) is the largest market
firm in the world. EWI's 20+ technical analysts provide
forecasts around-the-clock of
every major market in the world, via the internet and
proprietary web
systems such as Reuters and Bloomberg.
Elliott Wave International's educational
conferences, workshops, webinars, video tapes, special reports, books
and one of the internet's richest
free content programs, Club EWI.---All you need for
access is to create a free Club EWI profile.
Financial Forecast Service is their most popular subscription package
and includes short term market forecasts updated three times per week,
their big picture analysis in the Financial Forecast and Elliott Wave
Theorist newsletters.
Interesting Elliott Wave Articles and Trading
Elliott Wave
Want to
"Intimidate Everybody"? Be a Bond Market
By Elliott Wave International
in October 2021, we showed subscribers a chart of the "Bond Universe"
-- ALL bonds, from around the world, in ONE chart. Since then, as
yields spiked and prices fell, the bond market has indeed been
"intimidating everybody." Watch our monthly Global Market
Perspective contributor, Murray Gunn, explain more.
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a price
chart is worth 1,000 Fed statements.
On May 4, at the MoneyShow Virtual Expo,
EWI's Head of Global Research, Murray Gunn, showed an eager audience 30+
charts -- many going back decades.
Murray's point was simple: Let
the charts do the talking.
And boy, do they.
We are in a Great Unwinding.
Do not miss this. (You can't afford to.)
30 mins, free to EWI subscribers and Club
can join Club EWI for free and get instant access to the video.
Is a
Pension Fund Crisis Next?
"U.S. pension funds are
on the brink of implosion"
By Elliott Wave International
Did you get a heads-up from the financial
media that the U.S. banking system was vulnerable before
the failures of Silicon Valley,
Signature and First Republic banks?
There may have been outlier articles here
and there but no real warnings.
By contrast, the 2021 edition of Robert
Prechter's book Conquer the Crash, Last
Chance to Conquer the Crash, reminded readers that:
In a
crash and depression, we will see falling asset values, massive
layoffs, high unemployment, corporate and municipal bankruptcies,
pension fund implosions, bank and insurance company failures and
ultimately social and political crises.
As you know, some of these things have
recently been unfolding.
Let's focus on pension funds for a few
moments. Yes, some recent articles have provided warnings, but they
have not been widespread.
The headline of one of those news items is
from the Washington Post (Feb. 14):
Time Bomb
of Public Pension Funding Ticks Louder
Many public pensions suffer from funding
shortfalls. In other words, they don't have nearly enough money to meet
their obligations. More than that, investments are being made in
potentially financially dangerous assets to boost returns, such as
private equity.
Many people who are counting on a pension
probably don't know that some private equity firms have invested
pension-fund money in the housing market since the Great Recession --
yes, they bought actual houses. As the Atlanta Journal Constitution
reported (Feb. 12):
equity firms like Blackstone Group, Pretium Partners and Amherst
convinced public pension funds and other large institutional investors
to bankroll their homebuying sprees.
If the housing market crashes, you guessed
it, some pension funds will take a big hit.
Here's another headline from a British
newspaper, the Guardian (Feb. 2):
pension funds are on the brink of implosion -- and Wall Street is
ignoring it
However, Elliott Wave International is not
ignoring it.
As the Elliott Wave Theorist
said in February [The Elliott Wave Theorist has
published monthly since 1979 and covers major financial and cultural
Unfunded liabilities of states’ pension
funds in the U.S. stood at $1.3 trillion as of year-end 2022. Private
pension funds are underfunded as well. The whole system has made
promises it can’t fulfill.
And, getting back to the banking crisis, the
FDIC may face challenges fulfilling its promises to depositors if bank
failures become widespread. In other
words, the FDIC can only “make whole” a limited number of depositors at
one time (up to
$250,000). Whether the federal government steps in is another matter.
The point is: it may not be wise to count on the FDIC during a major
banking panic.
So, the question arises: Are there viable alternatives
to banks?
Elliott Wave International is now offering a
special report titled “Your 5 Top Alternatives to Banks,”
which is excerpted from Robert Prechter’s Last Chance to
Conquer the Crash.
You can access this special report for free
when you join Club EWI, the world’s
largest Elliott wave educational community. Just follow the link below:
"Your 5 Top Alternatives to Banks" now when you sign up for a FREE Club
EWI account.
article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally
published under the headline Is
a Pension Fund Crisis Next?. EWI is the
world's largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time
analysts led by Chartered Market Technician Robert Prechter provides
24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors
around the world.
Wave: How You Can Make Yourself a Better Trader
The idea of being a successful trader is
exciting. The reality
of becoming one is another thing. You need to understand more than the
markets -- you need to understand yourself.
EWI's Senior
Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy knows what it takes. He has analyzed and traded
the markets for over 15 years. Jeffrey has learned what it takes to be
successful, and he has the discipline to apply that knowledge....
more -
Wave: How
You Can Make Yourself a Better Trader
Wave Theorist: A Rising Market Won't Stop the Economic Rot
Are you prepared for when the
"disconnect" between the market and economy reconnects?
Suppose you see a lovely house -- one with great curb appeal. It has
new paint and manicured shrubbery out front.
also suppose that you look more closely. You press your thumb on the
window sill and the wood frame crumbles in. Come to find out, the wood
is rotten in too many places to count. The deck joists and supports are
fractured. Even the terrain underneath the deck looks unstable. And the
closer you look the worse the problems are......
more -
Wave Theorist: A Rising Market Won't Stop the Economic Rot
Fibonacci - Learn How to Apply Fibonacci Ratios
Fibonacci ratios can be an invaluable
tool for calculating price
retracements and projections in your analysis and trading. This excerpt
from The Best Technical Indicators for Successful Trading explains the
origins of the Fibonacci sequence and how you can apply it to the
more -
Fibonacci Ratios
the Past 7 Weeks of Rally Lull You to Sleep?
Bear markets are cunning beasts. Don't
get me wrong -- we are
not in the bear market territory yet. At least, not officially.An
"official" bear market begins when the stocks indexes decline 20%. The
DJIA's decline from the May 2, 2011 high to the September 21 low is
about 17%. Close, but no cigar.
more -
the Past 7 Weeks of Rally Lull You to Sleep?
All the Same Market in a Deflationary Environment
On September 22, the Dow and S&P
opened down over 2.5%. Oil was down, copper was down, and even GOLD was
down sharply. Watch this video excerpt from Robert Prechter's special
video issue of the August Elliott Wave Theorist where he explains what
is causing diverse markets such as these to move together in today's
more -
All the Same Market in a Deflationary Environment
Personality Type Makes the Best Trader?
EWI's Jeffrey Kennedy shows you how your
psychological strengths and weaknesses determine your ability to "live
long and prosper" in fast-moving markets
Do your decisions rely on data, or
do you go with your gut?
Think about your most recent auto purchase.
Was it based on meticulous consumer research or did you go with a model
that "felt right"? How about the last time you had to
assemble something? Did you read the manual first or just
figure it out as you went?
What about your most recent successful stock market trade?.............
more - What
Personality Type Makes the Best Trader?
of Wealth on a Vast Scale
How $1-million can disappear
The bursting of the "debt bubble" which
started in 2008 is far
from over.
It's the financial story of our age and it's happening before our eyes.
The full scope is hard to keep up with because it's unfolding at
various levels.
The top level is the sovereign debt
more - Evaporation
of Wealth on a Vast Scale
Analyzing Forex with ElliottWave Can
Help You Catch Both Rallies and Declines
of Elliott Wave International's Currency Specialty Service is here thru
Nov. 18
November 1, the EUR/USD -- the euro-dollar exchange rate and the most
actively-traded forex pair -- was trading the $1.38 range, near the
level it is today.
But if you look at what the EUR/USD did
between November 1 and 9, you'll see a huge 400-point (or pip, in forex
lingo) rally into the November 4 top -- and an equally huge decline
back to the levels we see today.
That's an 800-pip "round trip" in just six
trading days.......
Read more -
Analyzing Forex with ElliottWave Can
Help You Catch Both Rallies and Declines
Next Major Disaster Developing for Bond Holders
must-read FREE report for investors in fixed-income markets like
Treasury bonds, municipal bonds or high-yield bonds
wave analysis can warn you of trend changes when the rest of the
investment public least expects a market reversal. With that in mind,
we have created a new report for our free Club EWI members: "The Next
Major Disaster Developing for Bond Holders."
In this free report,
you get some of the latest commentary on fixed-income markets adapted
from various Elliott Wave International's publications, including 2010
issues of Robert Prechter's monthly Elliott
Wave Theorist
Read More - The Next Major Disaster
Developing for Bond Holders
'Way Past the Point of No Return'
a world where most adults can remember worrying only about inflation,
not deflation, it's hard to get a grasp of what it will mean as
deflation continues to take hold in the U.S. economy. Certainly, the
declining value of homes is one serious gauge of what deflation feels
like. A look at deflation in Japan also helps fill in the picture.
Here's what our analysts say about the deflationary outlook in this
excerpt from The
Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, along with a link to our updated
Understanding Deflation eBook.
* * * * *
Excerpted from The
Elliott Wave Financial Forecast by
Steve Hochberg and Pete Kendall, published September 3, 2010
Read More - Deflation: 'Way Past the Point of
No Return'
Trader Walks Into A Bar... Pattern: HOP-portunity On Tap
A free Club EWI resource
reveals how bar patterns signal high-probability trade setups
There's a little known joke among the
trading community that goes like this: "A
trader walks into a bar... pattern: 'Ouch!' "
is, if you don't know what you're doing, price bar analysis can be a
bit "painful." Finding a discernable pattern in their grouping can feel
like finding a hair in a hay stack.
But if you have the right
teacher -- say someone who has used bar pattern analysis for
twenty-plus years to signal dramatic moves in some the world's most
watched markets -- well, then the discipline is invaluable......
Read more - A Trader Walks Into A Bar...
Pattern: HOP-portunity On Tap
Ways to Become an Unsuccessful Trader
Q&A with an experienced Elliottwave trader
reveals seven common trading mistakes.
To be a successful trader demands knowledge.
If you'd prefer to become an unsuccessful trader,
you can start by making the following common trading mistakes, detailed
by a professional who spent 25 years in portfolio management, trading
and forecasting in the financial capital of the world, New York City.
In 2002, Wayne Gorman, long-time Elliott
wave trader and current head of trader education at Elliott Wave
International, left his 35th floor Manhattan apartment and moved to the
quiet of North Georgia. He's been sharing his knowledge and skills with
aspiring traders ever since -- in both online seminars and before live
audiences around the world.
Wayne graciously agreed to a Q&A
about trading mistakes. In his interview, Wayne reveals seven common
mistakes traders make.
EWI: Could you name two
mistakes frequently made by stock traders?
Wayne Gorman:
(mistake 1) The first big mistake is the flawed logic of extrapolation.
Many traders and investors assume that a trend will remain in force
until an "event" comes along to change it. But market trends are not
like billiard balls on a pool table. This false assumption will put you
on the wrong side of the market more times than not, especially at
major turning points.
(mistake 2) The second big mistake is to
suppose that news events drive market trends. In fact, the opposite is
true: economic, political and social events lag market
EWI: What are two common
mistakes among options traders?
WG: (mistake
3) One common mistake is to buy puts or calls that are way "out of the
money," with no other transactions to compliment them. Unless your
timing is absolutely perfect -- and who has perfect timing? -- your
chance of success is low. It’s like buying a lottery ticket.
(mistake 4) Another common mistake is to buy
options with too little time left to expiration. With less than one
month to expiration, the time decay begins to accelerate and the
chances of success diminish.
EWI: Please name a frequent
mistake among traders who aim to catch the beginning of a particular
Elliott wave.
WG: (mistake
5) In the middle of a corrective pattern, it's common to run out of
patience while waiting for confirmation of a trend change. You have to
give corrective patterns time to unfold before you jump in. This
requires discipline, and a solid understanding of the many ways
corrective patterns can unfold.
EWI: What's the biggest
misconception among traders about using Elliott waves?
WG: (mistake
6) Too many traders think Elliott wave is a trading system that tells
you exactly where to enter and exit a particular market. That's the
biggest misconception. The reality is that it's an analytical
and forecasting tool, which helps you develop and use your
own trading system, based on your own personal risk tolerance.
EWI: What technical indicators
do you believe traders over-rely on, and why?
WG: (mistake
7) Traders tend to over-rely on momentum indicators such as RSI,
Stochastics and MACD to precisely spot turning points. But to
paraphrase Mark Twain, markets can stay overbought or oversold a lot
longer than either you or I can remain solvent.
EWI: How would you
characterize today's market action, and do you teach courses that
address this environment?
WG: This is
a difficult stock market in the near term. Prices haven't strayed far
from where they began in January. The action has yet to break out
significantly to the downside or upside. This situation may not last
much longer. I can suggest these online courses to deal with the
current situation, and to prepare for the next big move:
article was syndicated by ElliottWave International and was originally
published under the headline Do
You Recognize These Six Common Trading Mistakes?.
ElliottWave International is the world's largest market forecasting
firm. Its staff of
full-time analysts lead by Chartered Market Technician Robert Prechter
provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private
investors around the world.
Basics of Elliott Wave Analysis -- FREE
Ralph Nelson Elliott discovered the Wave
Principle in the 1930s. Over the decades, his discovery was kept alive
by a handful of individuals. A few of those, such as Bolton, Prechter
and Frost, educated investors on how to use pattern analysis in
financial markets.
To help out Elliott Wave International's
readers in learning the basics of the method, we put together a free
10-lesson online tutorial. Here's an excerpt. To get it in full, look
for details below.
EWI's Basic Elliott
Wave Tutorial
Lesson 1, excerpt
At that time [of his discovery], with the
Dow in the 100s, R. N. Elliott predicted a great bull market for the
next several decades that would exceed all expectations at a time when
most investors felt it impossible that the Dow could even better its
1929 peak. As we shall see, phenomenal stock market forecasts, some of
pinpoint accuracy years in advance, have accompanied the history of the
application of the Elliott Wave approach.
Under the Wave Principle, every market
decision is both produced by meaningful information and produces
meaningful information. Each transaction, while at once an effect,
enters the fabric of the market and, by communicating transactional
data to investors, joins the chain of causes of others' behavior. This
feedback loop is governed by man's social nature, and since he has such
a nature, the process generates forms. As the forms are repetitive,
they have predictive value.
The not propelled by the linear
causality to which one becomes accustomed in the everyday experiences
of life. Nor is the market the cyclically rhythmic machine that some
declare it to be. Nevertheless, its movement reflects a structured
formal progression. In markets, progress ultimately takes the form of
five waves of a specific structure.

Three of these waves, which are labeled 1, 3
and 5, actually effect the directional movement. They are separated by
two countertrend interruptions, which are labeled 2 and 4, as shown in
Figure 1-1. The two interruptions are apparently a requisite for
overall directional movement to occur.
At any time, the market may be identified as
being somewhere in the basic five wave pattern at the largest degree of
Read the rest of this 10-lesson Tutorial and
see multiple charts now, free!
All you need is to create
a free Club EWI profile.
the rest of this 10-lesson
Basic Elliott Wave Tutorial online now,
free! Here's what
you'll learn:
- What the basic Elliott wave progression
looks like
- Difference between impulsive and
corrective waves
- How to estimate the length of waves
- How Fibonacci numbers fit into wave
- Practical application tips for the method
- More
Keep reading this free tutorial today.
article, Learn
Basics of Elliott Wave Analysis,
syndicated by Elliott Wave International. EWI is
the world's largest
market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts lead by
Chartered Market Technician Robert
Prechter provides
24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors
around the world.
Elliott Wave
Basics Explained - Learn More
have only just begun to learn the power and
complexity of Elliott Wave Basics Analysis. So, don't let your Elliott
education end here.
Elliott Wave Theory in much more detail, here at,
but we also recommend that you join
Elliott Wave
International's free Club EWI to access the Basic Tutorial: 10
lessons on The
Wave Principle and
learn how to use this valuable
tool in your own trading and investing.
is completely free
and you will find an
extensive library of educational materials in there to
help you get the most
out of this unique technical analysis tool.
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