Elliott Wave
ETF Trading Alerts
ETF Trading
ETF Trading Alerts
Get high quality ETF trading alerts sent to you directly from the
worlds largest market forecasting company. Flash ETF is
Elliott Wave Internationals newest service that offers high probability
ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) trading alerts with exact trading
instructions, direct to your phone or email as soon as they arise.
Elliott Wave's Flash alerts packages can be tailored to suit your needs
with a wide range of packages available to
cover Forex, Stocks and major Stock Indexes in the
the US, Europe and Asia, Futures, Commodities and more. Choose
additional packages at discounted rates.
Only the Best ETF trading alerts are sent so that you can be confident
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whether to take the trade or not.
Click here to learn more about Elliott Wave Internationals Flash ETF
Trading Alerts Service:
Flash ETF Trading Alerts.
Elliott Wave
Contents Index
Elliott Wave
ETF Trading Alerts - Interview with the Editor
Wayne Stough adds another Flash opportunity service to the line-up: ETFs
By Elliott Wave International
trader or active investor at times wishes they could pick the brain of
a pro that has "pulled the trigger" on real-money trades before.
Director of Analysis Wayne Stough is one of these pros. For several
years, several times per month, he's been alerting his Flash service
subscribers to opportunities in futures markets.
now, there is a new addition to the Flash service line-up: ETF
Opportunity Flash.
We caught up with Wayne in his office and asked him a few questions:
Q: What
method do you use when looking for high-probability trade set-ups?
Stough: My main approach is The Elliott Wave Principle. I look for
clean, precise wave counts -- usually ones that other analysts can
confirm, so there is a general consensus on market direction. Once the
market meets my other criteria for a high-confidence trade, I send out
a Flash recommendation to my subscribers.
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Elliott Wave
Find out how to access Robert
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Elliott Wave
ETF Trading Alerts - Interview with the Editor - Continued
Q: How
do you define a "high-confidence" trade?
That's a good question, because no market forecast is ever guaranteed,
whether you use Elliott or some other forecasting method. Having said
that, there are definitely moments when probabilities (or odds, if you
will) strongly suggest a particular move. For example -- and this is
just basic Elliott -- the Wave Principle says that markets move in a
series of five waves in the direction of the larger trend (labeled on a
chart 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and three waves against the trend (labeled A, B,
C). Also, there are certain proportions between these waves that
markets often adhere to. So whether I'm counting a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
pattern in a rally or a decline (i.e., in a bull or bear market), I
focus on where the
fifth wave should end, according to Elliott wave guidelines.
I've identified that price termination point, it becomes a matter of
waiting for the market to get there. Fifth waves come at the end of the
pattern and are usually weaker than third waves. So once I see certain
technical indicators diverging (e.g. the RSI), my confidence grows: We
are near the end of the pattern, and prices are about to reverse.
That's just one example of a high-confidence situation. But I do
suggest a protective stop with every new Flash alert, in case the
forecast doesn't come true.
Elliott Wave
Free to
download, the Traders
Day Trading free Elliott
Wave Theory PDF quick start guide. Download it free now
for a quick
overview of the basics.
It is a handy reference guide to the
basics of the wave patterns and wave formation.
Elliott Wave
ETF Trading Alerts - Interview with the Editor - Continued
you aiming for a particular percentage gain?
Absolutely. When I send a Flash alert, I'm typically looking for a
3-to-1 ratio, at a minimum.
Q: Does
that always work out?
No. I monitor the recommendation for warning signals that let me know
when a different scenario is unfolding in the charts. In those cases, I
send out another Flash alert suggesting to lower or raise the stop-loss
level, or exit the recommendation entirely.
say you love the S&P Mini as a trading vehicle. Why?
I'd put it differently. I have traded the S&P for a long time,
understand that market's nuances, and I like the leverage and
volatility. But while the S&P comes naturally to me, I've also
many Flash recommendations on other markets, like gold and currencies.
So, a better way would be to say that I
love anymarket that
gives me the desired risk-reward ratio. Now I'm
also "looking for love" among various ETFs.
Q: If
traders expect a bear market, should they still consider Flash Services?
Absolutely. I think we're at the cusp of something very big in the
stock market. And this is the time to act. Just keep in mind that
speculating in severe bear markets (or during extreme volatility)
carries additional risks. So be sure you do your research and know how
your financial instruments behave under these conditions. And anyone
who chooses to trade in this environment must only risk the money they
absolutely canafford to lose.
Q: Who
do you think should consider subscribing to EWI's Flash Services --
including the newest addition, the ETF Flash?
Anyone who has some risk capital but not enough time or experience to
find their own opportunities. Anyone who understands and accepts the
fact that when you bet your money, there will be winners and losers.
(Sometimes more of one than the other.) Anyone who knows better than to
risk all their capital on a single recommendation; the old "all eggs in
one basket" situation. I think in terms of quarters: I want all my
subscribers smiling at the end of a quarter.
EWI's ETF trading analysis service, ETF
Opportunity Flash now brings you potential
high-probability opportunities in
exchange traded funds (ETFs). Click here to learn more about Elliott
Wave Internationals Flash ETFs Trading Alerts.
Related Elliott Wave Theory Content Pages
Waves - Part 1 of the Elliott wave theory basics guide. Learn
the basics of wave structure and how impulse waves are formed....
Waves - Part 2 of the Elliott wave Theory basics guide. Learn
the basics of wave structure and how corrective waves are formed....
Wave Theory - The practical application of
trading wave theory, find out how to put the theory into
practice in reality. Which wave do I buy? What are the Elliott wave
Fibonacci Sequence
- Learn the basics of Fibonacci trading. Find out how the Fibonacci
sequence works hand in glove with Elliott Wave theory to form a
combination of technical indicators that provides us with an
extremely powerful trading tool.
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