Financial Books and Authors
Financial Books
A selection of bestselling financial books featured on
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articles written by some of the leading financial authors in
their field of knowledge and expertise.

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Analysis Books
Trading by John Burford
A practical guide to swing trading with tramlines, Elliott Waves and
Fibonacci levels.
Description: An easy to understand swing trading system for learning to
to find high probability trading oportunities using a combination of a
few technical indicators. Trend lines, Elliott waves and
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Articles by John Burford: Tramline
Trading Forex, A Real Life Example in AUDJPY
The Definitive
Guide to Point and
Figure, by Jeremy Du Plessis
A Comprehensive Guide to the
Theory and Practical Use of the Point and
Figure Charting Method.
Description: An extremely well writen guide explaining everything you
ever need to know about point and figure charting and how to use it
successfully in your technical analysis of the stock markets.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Articles by Jeremy du Plessis: 4 part guide to Understanding
Point and Figure
Law of Vibration, by Tony Plummer
The revelation of William D. Gann.
Description: An exploration of cyclical behavioural patterns and cycles
that exist in nature that can also be observed in the fluctuations of
the stock market. A more in depth, thought provoking study and
explanation of WD Gann theory for anyone who has an interest in
technical analysis of the financial markets.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Articles by Tony Plummer: Gann Theory and The Law of
The Mejt
System, by Jeffrey Tennant
New Tool for Day Trading the S&P 500 Index.
Description: A unique trading system developed and used by the author
to forecast and trade the intraday price action in the S&P 500
index and its derivatives.
Reviews: Read
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from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
with the Author: The
Mejt System
Articles by Jeffrey Tennant: Introduction to Tom DeMark
Blog: Read Jeffs daily market updates
Other Books by This Author: Day Trading Using The Mejt System
17.6 Year Stock Market Cycle, by
Kerry Balenthiran
Connecting the Panics of
1929, 1987, 2000 and 2007
Description: A study of stock market cycles and the
examination of
100 years of historical stock market data resulting in the discovery of
a regular 17.6 year cycle consisting of series of shorter 2.2 year
increments. The author has projected the cycle into the future to
provide a market roadmap into 2053.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Articles by Kerry Balenthiran: The
17.6 Year Stock Market Cycle
4 Keys to
Profitable Forex Trend
Trading, by Christopher Weaver
Unlocking the Profit
Potential of Trending Currency Pairs.
Description: An examination of 4 straight forward and easy to
understand systems for deriving trading entry signals, targets and stop
loss levels. The keys are based on using trend lines, trend channels,
coverging trend lines and Fibonacci ratios. Although the text is
focused on trading Forex, these 4 simple strategies are suitable for
trading most financial markets.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Our Review: 4 Keys to Profitable Forex Trend
Hurst Cycle Analysis, by
Cristopher Grafton
A modern treatment of
Hurst's original system of financial market analysis.
Description: A detailed step by step guide of how to implement Hurst
Cycles analysisand trading methods. Learn how to calculate timing dates
for potential highs and lows using the various cycles using VTL's and
FLD's for confirmation.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Our Review: Mastering Hurst Cycle Analysis
Articles by Christopher Grafton: Introduction to JM Hurst Cycles
and trading Methods (3 parts)
Diary of a
Currency Trader, By Samuel J. Rae
A simple strategy for
foreign exchange trading and how it is used in practice.
Descrirption: Samuel J. Rae takes you through his personal
journey and how he got to where he is today followed by a step-by-step,
illustrated description of the strategy he uses and the principles that
underline his approach to currency trading.
Having described the way he trades, Samuel then journals ninety days'
worth of market operations with full explanations as to how and why he
enters each and every trade, the results he achieves and his thoughts
on the markets he operates in.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Articles by Samuel J. Rae: Risk
Management: The Unsung Hero of Currency Trading
Exchange Matrix, By Barbara Rockefeller and Vicki Schmelzer
A new framework for
understanding currency movements.
Description: A book that cuts through the confusion to explain how this
market works. Why is the Forex market the largest financial
in the world? Who trades Forex? How do central banks
use manage
their economies and what is the effect these
strategies can
have on national currencies. What should traders consider before taking
a position in this market?
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Articles by Barbara Rockefeller and Vicki Schmelzer: How
to Prepare for an Event Driven Trade
and Investing
Trading Playbook, by Michael Gouvalaris
rule-based plans for day trading and swing trading.
Description: The aim of the two rule based plans is to give you some
ideas of how to develop a simple but effective, well defined trading
plan. The first of the two plans is based around ten possible daily
setups that the author has identified where every single scenario is
accounted for.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Articles by Michael Gouvalaris: The
Trading Playbook: Swing Trading Energy
New Value Investing, by C. Thomas Howard
to Apply Behavioral Finance to Stock Valuation Techniques and Build a
Winning Portfolio.
Description: The purpose of this book is to help the reader learn how
identify undervalued stocks and thus learn how to build a
successful portfolio that will consistently yield above
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Articles by C. Thomas Howard: Value
Investing, Investing in Undervalued Stocks for Maximum Gain
Made Simple, by Rodney Hobson
A beginner's guide to the
stock market.
A step by step introduction to the stock market that answers the basic
questions beginners need to know the answers to before starting to
trade or invest in the markets. What are stocks and shares and what
causes share prices to fluctuate? What are the hidden pitfalls
that beginners need to be aware of?
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Interview With the Author: Shares Made Simple
Articles by Rodney Hobson: Be
Wary but Don't Panic
Trading Using the MEJT System, by Jeffrey Tennant (eBook)
A proven approach for
trading the S&P 500 Index.
Descrpition: Jeffrey Tennant explains the practical application
of the Mejt System and what it can and cannot do. He describes the Mejt
system rules, and shows how to apply this trading system on a
day-to-day basis through a series of worked examples.
Reviews: Read
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from: Harriman House
and Amazon
with the Author: The
Mejt System
Articles by Jeffrey Tennant: Introduction to Tom DeMark
Read Jeffs daily market updates
Read other Books by this Author: The Mejt System
Investment Assets Handbook, by Yoram Lustig
Definitive Practical Guide to Asset Classes.
Description: The Investment Assets Handbook covers the full spectrum of
different asset classes and investment types available today, providing
investors with the definitive information they need to reach an
understanding of the broad range of investment assets.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Articles by Yoram Lustig: Understanding
Investment Asset Classes
Spread Betting Books
The Financial
Spread Betting
Handbook, by Malcom Pryor
The definitive guide to
making money trading spread bets.
A comprehensive step by step guide to how to get started in
financial spread betting and how to spread bet successfully. How
to develop and use risk management techniques, trend trading
counter trend spread betting strategies.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Interview With the Author: The Financial Spread Betting
and Economy
Speed World by Gerald Ashley and
Terry Lloyd
The impact of explosive and
gradual change -
its effect on you and everything else.
Two Speed World discusses the wider issue of how we as individuals make
our decisions and deal with the many risks and uncertainties that we
are faced with. The book then investigates what the best approaches are
to help us make these decisions on a daily basis. These issues are not
just about trading and investing in the markets but business,
innovation and running organisations etc.
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Available from: Harriman House and Amazon
: Amazon
Interview With the Author: Two Speed World
and Finance Books
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